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Jetzt NABU-Mitglied werden!Europe Elects: Together for the Restoration of Nature
European Election Talk on the 15th of May

The Oder River in a landscape of green meadows - Foto: NABU/Volker Gehrmann
Discussion on the European election between nature protection practice and politics
Together with its international umbrella organization BirdLife Europe and Central Asia and its Polish partner organization OTOP, NABU invited to a discussion event with representatives of the European Parliament and nature conservation organizations, among others from Ukraine, Poland, and Germany.
The restoration of damaged rivers, forests, peatlands, and seas is indispensable – for food security and water supply, for climate protection and conservation of biodiversity. To this end, binding EU regulations and investments in the restoration of nature in the EU are necessary. Whether this will be successful, depends decisively on the results of the European elections from June 6th to 9th. We discussed with representatives of the European Parliament and nature conservation practitioners, what guidelines need to be set in place for nature now.
Using examples such as the cooperation of nature conservation organizations and volunteers in Poland and Ukraine, as well as the cross-border work for the Oder river, we will highlight the importance of EU support for a free civil society and a democratic Europe – and how essential the elections in June will be for that.
The event was held in English with translations into German and Polish.
Livestreams European Election Talk in English and Polish
20:04 Welcome to the event (Host: Julia Vismann)
23:14 Welcome and Introduction by Jörg-Andreas Krüger, NABU President
32:15 Welcome and Introduction by Dr. André Benedict Prusa, Head of the Department for Urban Development, Construction and Environment in Frankfurt (Oder)
36:04 Shortfilm followed by a discussion round between Izabela Wilczynska-Gadi, Director of OTOP (BirdLife Partner in Poland), Dr. Jarosław Krogulec, Conservation Director of OTOP (BirdLife Partner in Poland) and Dr. Ivan Rusev, Board Member of USPB (BirdLife Partner in Ukraine)
1:30:56 Presentations by Björn Ellner, Chairman NABU Brandenburg and Radek Gawlik, President of the polish environmental organization EKO-UNIA
2:22:06 Podium Discussion with Hannah Neumann, (B90/Die Grünen), Member of the European Parliament, Róża Thun und Hohenstein, (Polska 2050), Member of the European Parliament and Ariel Brunner, Director of BirdLife Europe & Central Asia
3:25:57 Concluding Remarks by Konstantin Kreiser, Director of Nature Conservation Policy, NABU
20:18 Powitanie i wprowadzenie, Moderacja: Julia Vismann
23:31 Powitanie i wprowadzenie od Jörg-Andreas Krüger, Przewodniczący NABU
32:28 Powitanie i wprowadzenie od dr André Benedict Prusa, kierownika Wydziału Rozwoju Miast, Budownictwa i Środowiska we Frankfurcie nad Odrą
36:19 Krótki film, po którym nastąpi dyskusja: Izabela Wilczynska-Gadi, Dyrektorka Ogólnopolskiego Towarzystwa Ochrony Ptaków (OTOP), Dr Ivan Rusev, Dyrektor ds. ochrony przyrody (OTOP), Dr Ivan Rusev, Członek zarządu USPB (Partner BirdLife na Ukrainie)
1:31:10 Prezentacje Björn Ellner, Przewodniczący NABU Brandenburg i Radosław Gawlik, Prezes polskiej organizacji ekologicznej EKO-UNIA
2:22:21 Dyskusja z Hannah Neumann, (B90/Die Grünen), Członkini Parlamentu Europejskiego, Róża Thun und Hohenstein, (Polska 2050), Członkini Parlamentu Europejskiego i Ariel Brunner, Dyrektor BirdLife Europe & Central Asia
3:26:14 Uwagi końcowe, Konstantin Kreiser, Dyrektor ds. Polityki Ochrony Przyrody, NABU