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Best-practice workshop for the German Wadden Sea (online) on 15th June 2023

Saltmarsh Trischen. - Photo: Pia Reufsteck
Germany is looking to accelerate the restoration of its carbon-rich habitats, both on land and at sea. In line with the UN decade on ecosystem restoration (2021-2030) and the Global Biodiversity Frameworks goal to restore at least 30% of degraded habitats by 2030 a dedicated national fund with a volume of € 4 billion is about to be established in Germany. This “Aktionsprogramm Natürlicher Klimaschutz” (ANK; Federal Action Plan for Nature Based Solutions for Climate and Biodiversity) is in the marine environment focussing on the maintenance and restoration of saltmarshes, sea grass meadows, kelp forests and sediments. These “blue carbon” habitats can not only sequester carbon, but also benefit nature conservation and coastal protection.
At this workshop we will showcase best practice examples from the Wadden Sea and beyond in order to inspire national restoration efforts along the German North Sea coast. What are the lessons learnt from past restoration projects? How can blue carbon restoration not only benefit the climate, but also people and nature? These and other questions will be discussed with stakeholders from national authorities, academia, non-governmental and other interested organizations. Furthermore, we would like to strengthen the network of practitioners, experts and other “nature-based solution” stakeholders along and beyond the trilateral Wadden Sea.
What: NABU-Workshop on best practices: Restoration in the German Wadden Sea for climate, coast and nature (online)
When: 15th June 2023, from 10:00 till 13:00 o'clock (admission: 09:50 o'clock)
Where: Online via Zoom (You will receive the access data immediately after your registration.)
The event is free of charge. Please register for the event using the form below.
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