Input from the audience to the discussion - Photo: Adriana Kušíková
Nature Conservation and EU Financing – Challenges, Best Practices and Options
Summary of a workshop held on 10th of October in Bratislava, Slovakia

Therefore – and also with regard to the upcoming reform of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework – NABU, together with SOS/BirdLife Slovakia and BirdLife Europe, organized a workshop in Bratislava to deliberate and discuss the existing funding deficiencies and ideas for future nature conservation financing.
More than 80 participants attended the workshop in Slovakia, the current holder of the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. In the morning session, representatives from the European Commission and Member State governments shared their views on nature financing from EU funds. In the afternoon session, practitioners and stakeholders presented case studies from different Member States, sharing experiences and challenges. Subsequently, together with participants, possibilities for different measures on how to meet these challenges were discussed.